13 Oct 2015


I know that I haven't blogged in ages. The summer was a bit of a weird one for me and I felt a bit all over the place. 

But recently I've been doing a few things that have brought me lots of life. The main one being going to see Florence and the Machine with my friend Luffy at Allypally!

If you have never heard of Florence and the Machine (shame on you) I am almost convinced you will have heard some of her music. She is a bit like marmite, people either love her or hate her. I am definitely in the love category. 

Today I am going to give you my top #3 of her songs for you to enjoy. 

At number #3 is probably the most famous of her songs 

You Got The Love

Number #2 for me is


Number #1 my absolute fave at the moment is....

Make up your mind

Now all of these are subject to change and I think there is one from each of her 3 albums there - basically I cannot commend her highly enough to you. Seeing her live was incredible!! Florence has this insane energy, she was on stage for 2 hours leaping across the stage and singing her heart out. 

People might say that spending money on tickets to see people perform or play sport is a waste - but I think experiences like this make us enjoy life more. It was a quality night with a great friend. 

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