6 Jun 2013

Questions Part 5

So this is the final question in my series and it's all about who I follow in the blogging world - thanks Thomas for throwing this question my way.

When I started blogging I didn't really read other people's blogs apart from people I knew. So I read 

I have loved reading these and being able to stay in touch with my friends - it's so cool seeing   how your friends are progressing, what they are learning, how they are growing up. I still read these all the time. 

As I've got into blogging a bit more I have branched out a bit and I would probably say that I've got a top 3 blogs that I read to challenge my thinking and because they encourage me:

Prodigal Magazine 

This officially isn't a blog, it's an online magazine...but it's written a bit like a blog in that people write incredibly honest, vulnerable posts. There are a few key editorial writers and they feature different writers all the time who share about how experiences in their life have taught them more about God. Here is a post I enjoyed reading

Stuff Christians Like - Jon Acuff 
This is a brilliant blog which is just massively random - some things make you think, some things are funny, some things are just ridiculous. It's very American but is just some light relief to glance over. Here is a post I enjoyed reading 

God and Politics - Gillan Scott
This is a fantastic resource for engaging in current affairs. Scott raises some really insightful points about how to look at issues in the media and reviews nearly everything related to Christianity. Considering my degree is in International Politics I really value this blog for making a lot of topics accessible as I can't always spend lots of time researching things myself. Here is a post I enjoyed reading

Blogging is definitely helping me to understand a lot more about life. 

1 comment:

  1. aww geez you're so kind to put me down as one of the blogs you read (must start blogging again soon!) I love reading yours too!
    Keep up the good work honey xx
