11 Apr 2013

Post Spring Harvest

So I survived the week in Minehead with the 11-14's Distinctive crew. Not only did I survive I felt like I really thrived too. I genuinely loved it!

My team

I was working with a group of people I had never met before and while I was a little nervous about doing something with new people, I was so SO impressed at how welcoming the team were. It was a genuine joy to meet people from across the country who had all come to serve the young people and work together to see God move amongst the 11-14's.

It was a pretty intense week of long hours, lots of singing, shouting, fun and laughter. I was running a small group (or 25 kids...not that small!), hosting, running Distinctive's Got Talent (with the fabulous John Rogers) and leading a couple seminars. There was lots to do and my voice has taken a battering - I'm a little croaky now. BUT God was doing amazing things.

We saw young people getting healed, saved, released and meet Jesus in new ways. It was so so cool to be a part of it. I mean, God doesn't need us to work, yet he chooses to let us be a part of what he's doing...and it's SO exciting!

Thank you to those of you who were praying for me - I really appreciate it all. My seminars and talks went really well and I felt like God was using me to speak into situations, which is always a good sign. 

It was also hilarious - we played a lot of games (I got gravy sprayed into my mouth from a water gun and my face covered in shaving foam and then had sponges thrown at my face...) I also somehow managed to get conned into dancing to S Club 7 on stage...!

(dancing happening)

All in all, I was totally blessed by the team I was working with, the young people I was leading and my God who is faithful in everything.

It was a good week.

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