17 Jun 2012

Over to you

Sometimes I feel like there is too much to blog about. Like what do I focus these blogs on? Events, feelings, work, interests, music, dreams, God...on a daily basis there are loads of little things I could write about but then if I don't write them do I just pretend like they didn't happen or do I write briefly about everything?

Having thought about this I thought that for a week I would give YOU the reader the choice as to what you want me to blog about. Every day I will write a blog (some might be very short) on whatever theme you guys choose.

The choices are:
  1. Day-to-day events
  2. The inner workings of my brain
  3. Work with XLP - the adventures we get up to
  4. Social life activities and interests
  5. Music that I am loving
  6. Dreams that I think about for the future 
  7. What God says/challenges me about
So you can vote by commenting below or by commenting on this post status on facebook. It is THAT simple. 

Over to you.


  1. Ok so this post has had close to 50 reads already and I have 1 comment...vote people PLEASE!

  2. Well I think you should just write a blog all about me, but that didn't make the list?!?

    My vote goes to 2 and a blog about Lewis
